Available courses
Introduction to Engineering Design
Category: Career & Technical Ed
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED, 1 year) Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software, and use …
- Teacher: William Fredin
Principles of Engineering
Category: Career & Technical Ed
Principles of Engineering (POE, 1 year) Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning s…
- Teacher: William Fredin
Computer Applications with Mrs. C.
Category: Career & Technical Ed
Computer Applications (2 semesters) This year long course uses the Microsoft OFFICE 2013 suite of applications to teach performance competencies within the Office Applications as well as Career Units, Computer and Network Basics, and Digital Citizenship. Students have the oppo…
- Teacher: Karen Coulombe
TECH 8 with Mrs. C.
Category: Career & Technical Ed
Tech 8 (1 semester) This hands-on course is an exciting INTRODUCTION to many different types of emerging and existing technologies including; Videography using the Go-Pro and video editing, Programming and Basic Circuits with the Arduino, and Digital Art with Adobe Illus…
- Instructor: Karen Coulombe