Available courses

Learning Walk: Assessment in Instruction

Use this module to earn clock hours when going on a learning walk to explore how others use formative assessment to guide instruction in their classrooms.

Differentiating with STAR Reading

Use data from STAR Reading to create differentiated questions and activities for students.

Digital Formative Assessment Tools

Learn to use multiple digital tools designed to help you gather formative data on your students.

Formative Assessment Strategies

This module provides many different strategies you could choose form to utilize in your classroom.

Mastering Google Forms

Learn all about Google Forms.

Student Growth Over Time

Learn about this great tool that you can access that will allow you to see the growth over time for your students.

The Importance of Formative Assessment

Find out what makes assessments formative and the importance of formative assessment in the classroom. 

What should students' answers look like?

Explore the materials that are available in the Smarter Balanced Assessment portal in the Teacher Hand Scoring section to learn how they score responses.  What can we take back to our classroom in the way we score and instruct to proficiency?